1. Home

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  3. Find a service

    1. Adult mental health, learning disabilities and speciality services
      1. Acute Liaison Mental Health Service
      2. Adult ADHD, Autism and Tourette’s Team (AAATT)
      3. Adult Inpatients Acute
      4. Adult Inpatient Low Secure
      5. Adult Inpatient Specialist
      6. Adult Inpatient PICU
      7. At Risk Mental State Service
      8. Community Mental Health Adult - Early Intervention N’Step
      9. Community Mental Health Team
      10. Community Mental Health Transformation
      11. Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion Team
      12. Crisis cafés
      13. Crisis Response Unit
      14. Crisis Houses: The Warren and The Martins
      15. Custody Healthcare Team
      16. Eating Disorders Service
      17. ECT and Ketamine Therapy - The Treatment Centre
      18. Forensic Team
      19. Gender Identity Clinic
      20. Health Based Place of Safety
      21. IPS Employment Service
      22. Northants Personality Disorder Hub
      23. Learning Disabilities
      24. Liaison Psychiatry for Older People
      25. Maternal Loss Psychology Service
      26. Memory Assessment Service
      27. NHS Northamptonshire Talking Therapies
      28. Older Adults Community Mental Health Services
      29. Older People’s Inpatient Acute
      30. Peer support service
      31. Police Liaison & Triage
      32. RECONNECT - Care after custody
      33. Recovery College
      34. rTMS - Centre for Neuromodulation
      35. Secured Services
      36. Serenity Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
      37. Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
        1. Circle of Security parenting programme
      38. The Mental Health Number
      39. Urgent Care and Assessment Team
      40. Younger Persons with Dementia Team
    2. Community healthcare - adults
      1. Admiral Nursing Service
      2. Adult Community Hospital Inpatient Beds
      3. Adults Speech & Language Therapy Services
      4. Community Brain Injury
      5. Continence Service
      6. Community Nursing
      7. Community Therapy Service
      8. Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
      9. Diabetes and High Risk Foot Service
      10. Diabetes Northamptonshire
      11. Dietetics and Nutrition
      12. MSK Occupational Therapy Hand Therapy
      13. Physiotherapy (MSK & APP's)
      14. Podiatric Surgery
      15. Post covid assessment service
      16. Specialist Dental Services - Adult
      17. Specialist Nursing - Heart Failure Nurse
      18. Specialist Nursing - Multiple Sclerosis
      19. Specialist Nursing - Tissue Viability
      20. Sexual Health Service
      21. Specialist Nursing - Parkinson’s Disease
      22. Specialist Palliative Care
      23. TB Nursing Service
      24. Unplanned Intermediate Care Team (ICT)
    3. Community healthcare - children and young people
      1. Children's services map
      2. Children's resources, tips and advice hub
      3. Children and young people mental health services
      4. CAMHS in the Community
      5. CAMHS Live
      6. CAMHS Inpatients
      7. Children’s 0-19 Services
      8. Children and Young People ADHD & ASD Service
      9. Children and Young People Community Eating Disorder Service
      10. Children’s CTPLD (Learning disabilities)
      11. Children’s Therapy Services - Speech & Language Therapy Team
      12. Children’s Therapy Services - Physiotherapy
      13. Children’s Therapy Services - Occupational Therapy
      14. Community Children’s Nursing
      15. Community Paediatrics
      16. Co-production and Participation
      17. Family Ambassador Service
      18. Health Youth Justice Service
      19. Looked After Children
      20. Mental Health Support Teams
      21. Paediatric Psychology Service
      22. Referral Management Centre
      23. Short Breaks for Disabled Children and Young People
      24. Specialist Dental Services - Children
      25. Special School Nursing Team
    4. Other services
      1. End of Life Care Practice Development Team
      2. Infection Prevention and Control
      3. Innovation and Research
      4. Library services
      5. Pharmacy
      6. Safeguarding
      7. Spiritual Wellbeing
    5. Consultants directory
  4. Get involved

    1. Charities
    2. Trust calendar
    3. Become a member
      1. Annual public and members meeting
    4. Governors
      1. Governor elections 2024
    5. Patients, service user and carer involvement
    6. Quality Awards
    7. Volunteering at NHFT
  5. Get in touch

    1. Advice, Compliments and Concerns - PALService
    2. Complaints
    3. Freedom of information and medical records
    4. Patient feedback - review our services
  6. Work for us

    1. Current vacancies
    2. Why NHFT?
    3. Our staff bank
    4. Apprenticeships
    5. Work experience
    6. Work in secured services
  7. About us

    1. Our board
    2. Our plans and priorities
      1. Finance
      2. Quality
      3. Sustainability
    3. Trust documents including annual report
    4. Partnerships
      1. Our group arrangement with LPT
    5. Providers and commissioners
  8. Our main locations

    1. Berrywood Hospital
    2. Brackley Medical Centre and Community Hospital
    3. Campbell, Newland and Lotus Houses
    4. Corby Community Hospital and Willowbrook Health Centre
    5. Danetre Hospital
    6. Isebrook Hospital
    7. St Mary's Hospital
  9. Your rights

    1. Equality
      1. Moving Ahead - reaching out to communities
    2. Families, Friends and Carers
    3. Freedom to Speak Up NHFT
    4. Mental Health Act
    5. Northamptonshire Dynamic Support Register (DSR)
    6. Privacy notice and conditions of use
    7. Priorities for care of the dying person
  10. I need urgent help