Complex PTSD service

The Complex PTSD Service is a new county-wide service that provides therapies for those experiencing symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Find out more about Complex PTSD

Symptoms of PTSD

Symptoms of PTSD

People who have experienced prolonged traumatic events such as childhood abuse, developmental trauma or trauma in adulthood, may experience ongoing difficulties of complex post-traumatic stress.

Symptoms of Complex PTSD include:

  • Re-experiencing the original traumatic event, including intense flashbacks and nightmares
  • Avoiding situations that remind the person of the original trauma
  • Feeling very threatened, anxious, easily startled or constantly ‘on edge’
  • Having significant difficulties within relationships, often connected to difficulties trusting others
  • Experiencing poor self concept or self worth
  • Experiencing significant difficulties with managing emotions.