Mental health support

There are different options of support that you can access without being a patient of NHFT.

If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm, either to yourself or someone else please phone 999.

Keep safe scheme

A logo for the keep safe scheme in Northamptonshire

The Keep Safe Scheme is run by Northamptonshire Police for anyone 16 years and over, living in Northamptonshire with a disability, condition or illness, which may make them vulnerable when out and about.

The Keep Safe Scheme was originally launched in 2011 for people with learning difficulties and has expanded to include people with other disabilities and illnesses and Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust has become a partner.

Each member of the scheme is provided with a card that they can carry around with them, which holds details about the person’s needs, as well contact details for people close to them, such as next of kin or carers, who can be phoned in an emergency. The card also provides how best to support and talk with the card holder. If the card holder feels unsafe or needs help, they can show the card to someone that they trust to help them. Details are held on a secure database with the police, so that if they need to call for help, the call handlers can know how best to support them.

To apply for the scheme, you can either call 101 or email

More information can be found on the following website: