What happens if you are referred to our service?
What happens if you are referred to our service?
A member of the team will visit you on the ward in hospital and speak to you there. We will ask about any problems you are experiencing and how they affect you.
We will discuss what support you feel you need and will look at options available to support you whilst you are in hospital and after you are discharged from hospital. We sometimes see people for one visit and can make a plan following that. Often, we see people again on the ward to offer ongoing support during your hospital stay.
With your permission, we will speak to a family member or friend to understand their concerns as well. We may suggest medications to help you and we can offer emotional support whilst you are in hospital.
When we discharge you from our service, we will write to your GP to inform them of the assessment and advise on any further treatment required. If you would like a copy of that letter, please let us know.
What happens after I am discharged from hospital?
What happens after I am discharged from hospital?
When you have been left hospital, if you need further follow up mental health supprt we will speak about this with you before you leave.
If you are in mental health crisis, please contact the NHFT mental health hub, which is a 24 hour a day 7 day a week service on: 0800 448 0828
There are also crisis cafés available, and you can find the times online at: www.nhft.nhs.uk/crisis-cafe
If you are concerned about your physical health, please call your GP or 111 for advice.
If you are in immediate danger please dial 999.
Consent and Confidentiality
Consent and Confidentiality
We take confidentiality very seriously. We write in your medical records and we write to your GP.
There are rare circumstances where, due to concerns about risk to you or to others, we are obliged to breach that confidentiality. If that is the case, we will tell you about that first of all and explain what information is shared.