What is Participation, Involvement and Co Production?
It's an ongoing process of children’s expression and active involvement in decision-making at different levels in matters that concern them. Every child has the right to participate in the decisions that are made about them, including how the services that work with them are designed.
What are the activities that you can get involved with?
We are committed to ensure that our services are designed, reviewed and formed by the people that use them. Our Children and Young People know exactly what we need to deliver to meet their needs, so we make sure that they are at the heart of all we do. We host a number of groups that children, families and carers can get involved with on a regular basis, as well as have ‘pop up’ groups that help us to design and deliver project work.
For example our Youth Advisory Board meet regularly, and our group who are currently helping design a new service will meet until that project has concluded.
Children and families/carers are also central to recruitment ensuring that we employ the best people to work with our young people.
By engaging with the different activities our Team offers, you will learn new skills along the way and it is a great opportunity to talk about your engagement in activities on your CV.