The Mental Health NumberNHFT and the mental health charity, Mind, came together in 2020 to create a 24/7 mental health support number for the people of Northamptonshire. The Mental Health Number connects callers to trained professionals, who can provide local support, advice or signposting, whether this is from the NHS, the voluntary and community sector, or advice over the telephone. All of this is available anytime of the day or night, every day of the year.
0800 448 0828 - Lines available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Anyone in Northamptonshire is welcome to call, whether they are already receiving mental health treatment or not. Existing service users can use the number as an alternative way to contact the service already supporting them, as well as a way of speaking to someone out of hours. Healthcare professionals such as GPs can also call in order to refer their patients to services for support.
Individuals can also access the mental health number by calling 111 and selecting the mental health option to access mental health support. If you or anyone you know is in need of mental health support, find out more about services available locally at www.nhft.nhs.uk/help
If you have questions or concerns around housing, financial worries, or further information on benefits, Accommodation Concern staff are here to help on 01536 416560.
How do I register for this service?
You do not need to register for The Mental Health Number.
Support is availlable anytime of the day or night.
Please ring one of our mental health navigators on 0800 448 0828 - Lines available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Accessibility Information
The Mental Health Number aims to be accessible to all.
If you are deaf, have hearing impairments, stammers, speech impediments or other physical impairments which mean you are unable to communicate via telephone, we work with Relay UK service to ensure that you can access our team.
Relay has a couple of different options.
- If you are deaf or have a hearing impairment you can communicate through text and an interpreter will read the text out loud to us. We can then respond, and this will be text back to you.
- If you have a speech impediment or stammer you can communicate through text to an interpreter who will speak to us, and you will be able to hear our response.
We can also organise an appointment at one of our Crisis Cafes which is done face to face.
If you need access to a translator you will need to let us know your name, contact details and which translator you need, and we will organise this and call you back.
If you are in crisis, you can call NHS 111 who have direct access to translators who will work with you and then refer into our service.