
Two members of staff



Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board is the main commissioner of our services. Most of our services are funded under block contracts, however purchasing within the NHS is changing quickly – especially with the development of structures such as any qualified provider (AQP) and payment by results. Healthcare is becoming a much more competitive market environment.

The document store below gives links to further information about our finances. This includes our budget reports, which are discussed at our regular meetings of the Board of Directors and our Annual Report and Accounts, which describe how we use our funding to develop and deliver our services.


Spend over £25,000

In the document store below, you will find lists of all Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) transactions spending over £25,000, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in public expenditure. 

Procurement and tenders

NHFT uses the DELTA eSourcing portal. This enables suppliers to bid for a wide range of goods and services we have published and will apply to all procurement processes irrespective of the value. If you wish to tender or quote for Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS FOundation Trust contracts in the future, you are required to register an account on the DELTA eSourcing portal. Please note that there is no cost to register on the portal.

You can access and register at DELTA eSourcing directly with this link.

Overseas patients

If you are visiting the UK (and live outside the European Economic Area) you need to make sure you are covered for healthcare through personal medical or travel insurance for the whole time of your visit. To find out more about healthcare for overseas patients please visit To find out more about healthcare for overseas patients please click here to visit the NHS website