- Overview
- Directions
- Contacting us and opening hours
- Car parking
- Accessibility Information
- Smoking and vaping information
Children's Therapy Services - Speech & Language Therapy TeamThis is one of our main clinics for appointments with the Children's Speech & Language Therapy. Please click on the 'directions' tab for directions to this location. Most appointments are provided in one of our main clinic locations however we may also see your child at other locations such as GP surgeries, home, children’s centres, nurseries/school and hospitals.
Sudborough House, St Mary's Hospital, London Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 7PWMap
Contacting us and opening hours
Sudborough House
St Mary's Hospital
London Road
Northants, NN15 7PW
Telephone: 0300 027 3789
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Car parking
There is 90 minute free onsite car parking at St Mary's Hospital. If you are going to be at St Mary's longer than 90 minutes please enter your registration details in the screen by the reception desks to extend your free parking time.
Please note this can be extremely limited at busy times.
There is also a Pay and Display car park situated on London Road (next to the swimming pool) which is a 5 minute walk away from the hospital. Please not this car park is not operated by NHFT.
Accessibility Information
Smoking and vaping information
We know that quitting smoking reduces your chances of heart disease and lung cancer, as well as improving your sense of taste, making your skin look younger and reducing stress.
Please remember that smoking or vaping is not allowed anywhere on any NHFT sites for outpatients, visitors or staff.
For adult and older adult inpatients only, smoking or vaping is permitted in specially designated areas (ward gardens). If you are an inpatient, please speak to your ward matron about smoking and vaping options. Tobacco dependency advisors are available to support you to quit smoking or vaping, and we also offer nicotine replacement therapy.
All other service users, visitors and staff must go offsite if they wish to smoke or vape.