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CAMHS Practitioners in Primary Care Integration Pilot

CAMHS Practitioners in Primary Care Integration Pilot

The Trust’s Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Connect Team has partnered with three primary care networks (PCNs) to help bring rapid assessment, early advice, and care navigation to children and young people in the community with emerging emotional needs.

The pilot has been co-produced with children and families from the start to make sure we are offering necessary and relevant support to families. With a person-centred approach, the pilot offers support for care navigation in a shared care response. 

Where is the Pilot Available?

This pilot is being rolled out across three primary care networks (PCN) in Northamptonshire

  • East Northants PCN 
    • Harborough Field
    • Higham Ferrers
    • Marshalls Road
    • Nene Valley
    • Parklands
    • Spinney Brook
    • The Cottons Medical Centre
    • The Meadows Surgery
  • Rural Northamptonshire PCN 
    • Byfield Medical Centre
    • Crick Medical Practice
    • Greens Norton & Weedon Medical Practice
    • The Long Buckby Practice
    • Saxon Spires – Brixworth
    • Saxon Spires – Guilsborough
  • Grand Union District PCN
    • Abington Park Surgery
    • Abington Medical Centre
    • Leicester Terrace Healthcare
    • King Edward Surgery
    • Greenview Surgery

If you have a child between primary age and 18 that is presenting with mental health or behavioural concerns and is NOT opened to CAMHS please contact your surgery (if listed above) to find out more about the pilot.

Pilots Aims

The pilot has three key aims for its success:

  • To offer mental health support at the earliest opportunity, via an integrated single front door into CYP mental health and emotional wellbeing services, through their GP practice.
  • To improve both the experience and outcomes for children and young people where there are concerns about their mental health, in enabling support and signposting to be given quickly.
  • To offer 30 minutes consultation slots to provide rapid assessment of need, information, advice, consultation, and signposting.

Meet the Team

The pilot has three designated practiones, one for each PCN. These practioners will be offering consultations to young people presenting with mental health concerns. They will also be offering more in depth assessment where appropriate and aim to signpost you to the right services to meet your needs. 

We aim to see children and young people either the same day they contact their GP Surgery or within a few days. We will offer you a video call to find out a little about you and what might be feeling difficult at the moment so that we can think about what could be helpful.

We will be in touch by telephone or text message to arrange your appointment. In the meantime if you think you need urgent help you can call your GP, or go to A&E. You can also text a school nurse on 07507 329 600.

Bibi Nahaboo - Northamptonshire Grand Union PCN

Bibi joined CAMHS in 2015 where she has been able to develop her skills, knowledge and experience working with young people. She loves Baking & travelling. Going on long walks helps Bibi to relax and wind down by enjoying the fresh air.

James Hickling - Northamptonshire Rural PCN

James has worked with children and adolescents for over 20 years, he enjoys working with children as 'they are the adults of the future'. James' interests include sports, music, gaming, and the performing arts. He also loves animals and has got a West Highland Terrier and a cat. 

Emmah Madondo - East Northants PCN

Emmah is a Mental Health Nurse non-medical prescriber. With experience of working within Children and Adolescents for 3 years. She has worked within mental health services for 23 years. Emmah's hobbies include shopping and dancing. 


Espresso Yourself - Wellbeing cafes for young people

Espresso Yourself - Wellbeing cafes for young people

If you are struggling with your mental health or find yourself in a crisis then we are here to listen and support you.

Alongside our local partners we are offering weekly cafes for you to drop-in and talk to a mental health professional in a safe space. Our friendly team will listen and help you by providing advice, support or signpost / refer you to the relevant team or organisation.

There is no need to call or book an appointment, please drop in to one of the locations and timings that suits you. You can find all locations and timings on our Espresso Yourself web page.

The conversations that take place will be led by you and our staff will provide a listening ear. You can come along by yourself, with a friend or family member if you wish to - the idea is to create a safe space for you to feel comfortable in sharing how you feel.

Please note these crisis cafes are for anyone between the ages of 11 to 18 years, living in Northamptonshire and accept walk ins.

Find out more

CAMHS Connect

CAMHS Connect

CAMHS Connect is part of the wider Core CAMHS in Northamptonshire. We offer a Consultation Line, a telephone service and CAMHS Live (an online chat service which offers advice and guidance for professionals and parents who have concerns about a young person’s emotional wellbeing or mental health).

Access CAMHS Live online chat here.


To view our full offer for CAMHS connect please review the information below.

You can also see the full offer for CAMHS connect by downloading:  CAMHS connect poster - professionals [pdf] 785KB

Professional training dates

CAMHS Connect is developed core training sessions exploring issues relating to mental health.

To book onto a CAMHS Connect Professionals Training please email: 

Child development and mental health 

Aims to explore signs and symptoms of mental health concerns in the context of child development.

Dates to be confirmed.

Rethinking challenging behaviour

Aims to explore behaviour that challenges in young people, such as school avoidance and refusal.

Dates to be confirmed.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Young People and Their Family or Carers

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Young People and Their Family or Carers

The Personality Disorder Hub is now providing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT-A) for young people and adolescents with emotional regulation difficulties and their families or carers.

Referrals for this service are made via our CAMHS service and begin with an initial consultation to assess individual needs and establish whether DBT-A is a suitable intervention.

If DBT-A is the right course of treatment, the young person will begin therapy which following assessment and pre-commitment phase, comprises of weekly individual sessions, weekly DBT skills training group and access to telephone skills coaching (young person and supporting adult).

DBT is a model based on balancing the dialectic of acceptance and change, teaching skills in relation to managing distress, learning to regulate emotions, and navigating relationships and effective communication. Mindfulness weaves through the entire programme under the premise that we cannot change that which we can't first observe. Our overall aim being to help clients to 'build a life worth living.'

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy For Adolescents (DBT-A) and their family/carers [pdf] 355KB

You can also watch the video below which is an introduction to DBT-A (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Adolescents, Young People and Families):

For more information call 03000 271012.