Join insightful sessions exploring autism

People are invited to join a number of not-to-be-missed free sessions focusing on different aspects of autism and neurodiversity, and what support is available.
Recovery College NHFT is hosting the courses during its recently-launched Spring term for 2025.
Autistic people view and experience the world in a way that is different to non-autistic people. Autism is something you're born with, and signs of autism might be noticed when people are very young, or in later life.
Recovery College NHFT provides an opportunity to join other people from Northamptonshire with similar experiences in an informal, relaxed environment, and to gain valuable insight and support in an empowering way.
The sessions include:
- Autism Diversity - Tuesday, 21 January 2025, from 9.30am-1pm, at Corn Market Hall, 42 London Road Kettering NN15 7QA. This session aims to develop an appreciation and understanding of the diversity of the autism spectrum, from Neurotypical (NT), through Aspergers syndrome (Aspie) and Autistic and how different people may be affected.
- Autism and the sensory environment: understanding & managing the challenges - Thursday, 23 January 2025, from 9.30am-12.30pm, at Corn Market Hall, 42 London Road Kettering NN15 7QA. This session will offer more knowledge about the eight senses, and discuss how sensory challenges can affect the behaviour of autistic people and what strategies can be used to reduce the sensory environments' effect on autistic people and what adjustments can be made to the environment to help with these difficulties.
- Women, Girls and Autism - Wednesday, 12 February 2025, from 10am - 1pm, at St Andrews Church Rooms, St Andrew's Parish Church Kettering NN16 8RG. This session explore the reasons why women and girls with autism are underdiagnosed, how to recognise autism in females and how and why women and girls 'mask' in social situations.
Louise Kirby who is co-hosting the 'sensory' course, said: "Have you thought about what we notice by our senses, external input from the environment, or internally; that different people may react to sensory input differently? Or react to the same supposed sensory input differently at different times? This course introduces these fascinating concepts through a basic description of each of the eight senses. It explains how the environment can play a role as well as suggesting tips and tricks to help with combatting the senses being under or overwhelmed from both lived and professional perspectives."
Yasmin Reeve, who is co-facilitating Autism Women and Girls, said: "This course is an opportunity for people to understand the different presentations that may be seen in women and girls who are autistic. It provides a safe place for people to discuss their own lived experiences or things that people notice with other individuals, breaking down misconceptions throughout the session. It will be helpful to professionals, individuals with lived experience, friends, carers and relatives."
Peer trainer, John Dudley, who co-leads the Autism Diversity course, said: "We offer a safe learning environment where attendees feel comfortable, valued and able to contribute their knowledge and/or personal experiences in any way they wish to. We provide an open forum for discussion about autism related history, terminology, autistic profiles, reasonable adjustments and effective communication."
Recovery College NHFT courses are available for anyone 18 years old, or over, who is a current or previous NHFT service user, their family and friends, carers, members of partner organisations, and NHFT staff. People who have been referred to NHFT by their doctor, but who are currently awaiting treatment, are also encouraged to join the courses.
It's quick and easy to enrol, if people haven't already, and all courses can be viewed on the Recovery College NHFT Eventbrite webpage.
The courses are very popular; if anyone is unable to attend a Recovery College course, that they've booked onto, we ask that they inform the college so the place can be freed up for someone else.
Find out what courses are on offer, and other information about how to register and enrol, at or email or call 03000 270470 (phone lines are open 9am-4.30pm Monday-Friday).