Join session and find ‘hope’ on road to recovery

An innovative session is being offered focusing on the importance of ‘hope’ in helping people with their mental health recovery.
The Recovery College NHFT course aims to instil hope, and help people proactively take more control of their mental health, by harnessing positivity in their own lives and those around them.
The ‘Hope in Recovery’ session takes place on Thursday, 16 May 2024, from 10am to 1.30pm, at Corby Mental Health Resource Centre, Stuart Road, Corby, NN17 1RJ.
The course, led by a clinical psychologist and someone with lived experience will include personal stories by people with lived experience of mental illness and their journey to recovery.
Nic Oliver, Recovery College NHFT manager, said: “This is a fantastic place to start your Recovery College student journey as ‘hope’ is a key part of everything we do! The course will cater for those at different stages of their mental health recovery or with different life experiences. For example, it may be useful for people who are currently waiting for interventions or those who are transitioning out of services. It will explore the definition of ‘hope’, and its relationship with recovery, and look at how hope can be found and harnessed.”
To book a place on the ‘Hope In Recovery’ course visit and click ‘enrol with the college’, or book directly here if you are already a registered student.
Recovery College NHFT offers courses on a range of topics. All courses are free – with both in-person and online sessions on offer. They are available for over anyone over 18 years old who is a current or previous NHFT service user, their family and friends, carers, members of partner organisations, and NHFT staff. People who have been referred to NHFT, but who are currently awaiting treatment, are also eligible to attend the courses.
Find out what courses are on offer, and other information about how to register and enrol, at or email or call 03000 270470 (phone lines are open 9am-4.30pm Monday-Friday).