Opportunity to join free health and wellbeing courses

New and exciting mental health, neurodiversity and wellbeing sessions are now available to help start the year positively.
Read Opportunity to join free health and wellbeing courses…New and exciting mental health, neurodiversity and wellbeing sessions are now available to help start the year positively.
Read Opportunity to join free health and wellbeing courses…To celebrate the work of the Trust, we look back on some of the highlights and successes of 2024.
Read Looking back on a year of outstanding, compassionate care…"Winning a Quality Award is the closest thing to becoming a celebrity!"
Read The Brambles - Patient Choice Award…Mental Health Support over the Christmas and New Year period
Read Christmas Mental Health Support…Having "hope for the future" and being "open to change" are just two of the qualities of a good leader, according to Leadership Award Alexis Berry.
Read Alexis Berry - Leadership Award…Despite once being told by her dad that she'd "never stick it out in nursing", more than 50 years later Sharon Armitage continues to dedicate her life to the profession.
Read Sharon Armitage – Lifetime Achievement Award…"Encouraging people to embrace their qualities and differences" is just one reason why Lauren Noble was named winner of the Inclusivity Ambassador Award at our recent Quality Awards.
Read Lauren Noble - Inclusivity Ambassador Award…"A personal passion for looking after my colleagues" is how Steve Rigby describes his approach to supporting those around him on a daily basis.
Read Steve Rigby wins our NHFT Wellbeing Ambassador Award…
Meet Alan Bell, a former stroke patient, who is now playing a huge role in helping others recover after similar experiences.
Read Former stroke patient now volunteering to help others…It takes just a couple of minutes, but a quick self-check of your oral health could save your life.
Read If in doubt about oral health - get it checked!…