Partnership working is very important to Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT). We have developed many forward-thinking partnerships in the county and across the region, and we have also followed national good practice to improve and grow our care and services with local providers.
These partnerships allow us the opportunity to share our good practice, being an outstanding CQC rated Trust, with other similar organisations, and to gain the opportunity to learn from others and develop as an organisation and a partnership to continually deliver outstanding care to our patients.
You can find out more about how we are developing joined up care across the NHS, local councils, voluntary and community organisations, and other partners across Northamptonshire. Read more about Integrated care in Northamptonshire. In addition, you will find useful information to support your care and wellbeing as well as information for professionals.
We are also committed to jointly delivering with our Integrated Care Board colleagues. Read more about this below:
Integrated Care Northamptonshire
Integrated Care Northamptonshire (ICN) is our county’s integrated care system. This is our local partnership between the organisations that meet people’s health and care needs in Northamptonshire.
ICN has four agreed priority workstream areas which include:
- Children and Young People
Services for children and young people in Northamptonshire have committed to work together to improve care, support and outcomes for children and young people throughout the county. NHFT delivers a range of Children’s services across the county and plays a significant role in this workstream
- Elective Care
Elective care means health and care activity that is planned in advance such as planned outpatient hospital appointments or an operation and care post surgery. NHFT is an important provider in this workstream as we support with planned appointments and community nursing in people’s homes.
- Integrated Care Across Northamptonshire (iCAN)
Integrated Care Across Northamptonshire (iCAN) is about improving the quality of care on offer for older people in our county. NHFT plays an active role in providing community nursing to patients in their own homes and implementing measures in partnership with other partners – including primary care, voluntary organisations like Northamptonshire Carers, and our local acute hospitals – to avoid hospital admissions where possible.
- Mental health, learning Disability and Autism
One in four people will experience poor mental health during their lifetime. People with learning disabilities or autism are much more likely to develop mental health problems than other people. NHFT is the leading provider of Mental health services across the county, but by working in partnership with other mental help organisations such as MIND, we can deliver quality care to patients in the right place at the right time with the right support.