Palliative Care Specialist Nurse Maria celebrated for the difference she makes

On 12 May, to celebrate International Nurses' Day, our very own Palliative Care Specialist Nurse Maria O'Neill was invited to be part of an event held at Bury St Edmunds Catherdral.
Maria was honoured with a special recognition aware by East of England Regional Cheif Nurse Catherine Morgan, OBE, for her incredible and outstanding contribution to the patients within her care at Cambridge Health and Justice System. As a nurse, Maria offers so much respect and compassion to those she looks after no matter their siutation or circumstance, and we couldn't be prouder of her.
Maria has been a recognised Queens' Nurse since 2017 and has over 20 years of experience working within the palliative care setting. She works for the benefit of her patients and service users, and ensures that their voice is heard at each step of the journey. She speaks regulalry at a range of conferences and training events spreading her passion and enthusiasm for delivery the very best of care to those who are in our criminal justic system.
We are very proud to have Maria leading our excellent end of life care pathway as part of our Cambridgeshire wellbeing team.
The celebration event for nurses in the East of England, had more than 170 nurses attend and included the Purple All Stars choir, and a candle lighting ceremony to remember and commemorate the nurses who died during the COVID-19 pandemic.