NHFT Enters New Joint Venture with Northampton GP Alliance | Our latest updates

NHFT Enters New Joint Venture with Northampton GP Alliance

We are happy to announce General Practice Alliance (GPA) and Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) have created a new joint venture ‘Northampton GP and Community Alliance’ (NGCA). Together we will deliver better value primary, community and mental health services in Northampton, new contracts and investments for members and improved links and partnerships with other local organisations.

NGCA is an equal partnership between GPs and NHFT, collaborating to build healthier communities in Northampton.  We will be bold, authentic and compassionate and will work to co-produce solutions that value the individual.

We have identified three priority areas for 2019/20, which are; introducing an improved primary care mental health pathway, a new first contact physiotherapy mode,l and expanding Triage Control. 

Please contact us at communications.NGCA@nhs.net if you have any queries about the alliance or would like further information.

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