NHFT celebrates the role of service users and carers as part of co-production week | Our latest updates

NHFT celebrates the role of service users and carers as part of co-production week

The benefits of coproduction

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) is celebrating the role service users have in developing its services as part of ‘Co-production week’.

NHFT provides over 100 NHS services including mental health and community services. These vital services aim to provide essential support for people of all ages, and NHFT is continually developing and improving the care it provides. Just one of the many ways this is achieved is through co-production.

Co-production week, which takes place from 6 – 10 July, is celebrating its fifth year. This annual awareness week aims to showcase the benefits of co-production, share best practice and promote the contribution of services users in continually developing public services.

As part of Co-production week, Anne Rackham, Director of Mental Health at NHFT, spoke about how NHFT is developing its services in a continually evolving environment:

We deliver a range of mental health services in hospitals and in the community, and it is important that we work in partnership with organisations, both regionally and nationally, to share best practice and new ideas through co-production.

“Co-production has been a central part of our work here at NHFT and is based on the recovery model: hope, control and opportunity. This process brings service users, staff and carers together to use experience and expertise to ensure recovery and support for those individuals and for our services.”

“Our teams work with service users and carers to ensure that their involvement through coproduction makes a difference in the service they’re receiving care from. By working with people, we’re able to make a difference for them, with them – and that is why co-production is so essential.”

Services developed through co-production include crisis cafes, which provide urgent mental health support in a relaxed environment and the mental health number, giving everyone in Northamptonshire a quick and easy way to seek mental health support. To find out more about NHFT and the services available visit: www.nhft.nhs.uk


For more information about co-production week, visit: www.scie.org.uk/co-production/week

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