Annual public and members meeting 2024

This year's Annual Public and Members Meeting (APMM) 2024 will take place virtually (via MS Teams) on Monday 23 September 2024 from 5.30pm.

Once again, it will provide a fantastic opportunity for you to hear about the news and successes about NHFT over the past year, and some of the exciting plans for the future.

You'll hear from the Trust's Chief Executive and Chair, and there will be keynote speakers presenting on exciting topics which will be confirmed over the coming weeks. There will also be an opportunity to submit your questions which will be answered at the event.

Last year's event celebrated a ‘year of compassion in partnership’ with updates on the Trust’s recent achievements, as well as showcasing plans and priorities for the year ahead.

Trust Chair Crishni Waring opened the virtual event saying “there is much to be proud of” in terms of NHFT successes and innovations over the past 12 months.

Participants had the option to submit comments and questions, via Slido, which were answered during the event.

APMM 2023 Website banner Slide ImageIt also included an update from Christine Edwards on the launch of the Crisis Response Unit which has a team made up of 18 multi-skilled individuals including nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, carers, peer support workers and others who attend and support people experiencing a mental health crisis.

There was also a session called ‘We are all in the same storm’ about special care dentistry from Gill Howie who shared how the team, in partnership with others, help provide quality dental services to people with learning or physical disabilities, and some of the challenges and complexities around this.

You can watch back the full recording of the annual showcase, which took place on Monday 18 September 2023, below:

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