CAMHS Inpatients - The Sett, Northampton

We provide a highly specialist service providing assessment, treatment and management of young people aged between 13 and 18 whose mental health problems cannot be managed in the community because of their complexity, risk, persistence and interference with social functioning and normal development.

Welcome to the Burrows

Information about the Burrows


The Burrows

The Burrows is an admission ward for young people between the age of 13-18.

 A Short term assessment is offered for a range of mental health difficulties. The aim of the assessments consists of working with you to develop effective coping skills, commencing medication if required, and addressing any other identified needs to aid your recovery journey.

We do not provide long-term care & treatment and if you have specific clinical needs due to risk presentation or require longer term treatment then we will refer you to a specialist provider where your needs can be more appropriately met.

As well as Northamptonshire, The Burrows serves the whole of the East Midlands region including Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Milton Keynes and Nottinghamshire.

Informal Patients

If you are an informal patient, this is because you have agreed to be admitted or if you are less than 16 years old, your parent or guardian has agreed to the admission.

Formal Patients

If you have been admitted as a formal patient, then you have been detained on a section of the Mental Health Act (1983). A member of staff will explain your rights and a leaflet will be made available to you for your reference. Other leaflets are available for your information regarding:-

  • An Independent mental health advocate,
  • Second opinion regarding your care and the process for appealing against your Section.

If the clinical team have concerns about your health & safety, risk presentation and you are refusing necessary clinical interventions following admission then the legal framework of the Mental Health Act will be considered to determine ongoing assessment, care & treatment.

Following admission you will be assigned a care team which includes a named nurse, a keyworker and co-workers. Soon after admission, you will meet with a member of your care team who will explain the roles of each member of the team. Your care team will speak to you about your care and formulate care plans/set goals to work towards your recovery during your admission; working with you and your family.

The trust has a no-smoking policy in and around the hospital. If you smoke, you may be offered alternatives for Nicotine Replacement Therapy. If you have any questions about this, please speak to a member of staff.

Facilities on the ward

  • 10 single-sex bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. As far as possible males and females will be in separate corridors. Where this is not available, staff are always present to ensure the safety and dignity of patients and staff sit in each corridor whilst young people are sleeping.
  • Family room x2
  • Activity room
  • Education room
  • Single-gender lounge
  • Laundry facilities
  • Use of an Occupational Therapy kitchen for baking /cooking with staff support
  • A garden area comprising an internal courtyard, astro turf area, raised beds and an outdoor seating area
  • Televisions
  • DVDs and DVD players
  • Portable DVD & CD Players
  • Xbox, Nintendo Wii, table tennis, garden games, board games, Nintendo DS and arts and crafts activities


What to expect during my admission?

White outline of a planet

What to expect during my admission?

As part of your care and treatment, we aim to provide a therapeutic environment that helps you to work towards your recovery. You will be required to sign and commit to following our acceptable behavioural contract which consists of the following conditions that need to be met during your stay on the ward:

  • Attend all sessions offered on the ward including education, therapy groups and 1:1 sessions with multi-disciplinary team members
  • Attend meal times to ensure a satisfactory dietary intake
  • As in the community, education is a mandatory requirement. Bedroom access, TVs, stereos, computer games are discouraged during the education and therapy timetable
  • Follow the rules regarding approprate and inapproprate items on the ward - see what items are not allowed on the ward in the 'What should I pack section?' 
  • Cooperate with us when searching your person or bedroom (this may be necessary if we have reason to believe that you have contraband items in your possession that may pose a risk to yourself or others)
  • We do not tolerate bullying of any form. Abuse of a personal, sexual, racial or other hurtful nature by any means (verbal, written, phone, text, social media etc.) is unacceptable
  • We acknowledge that young people may develop close friendships during their admission; however we do not expect to observe intimate or inappropriate behaviours on the ward such as close physical contact, regardless of gender
  • The Burrows has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all our young people on the ward, if we feel you are putting others at risk we may consider discharge, or if appropriate, transfer to a more secure ward
  • Young people are not to return to the ward in an intoxicated state. If you do, you may not be allowed to stay
  • No intoxicating substances (drugs, alcohol, legal highs etc.) can be consumed or brought onto the ward. If you do this, it will affect whether you can stay on the ward

Any individual that does not adhere to expectations & boundaries will have a review undertaken regarding their continued stay at The Burrows and discharge may be considered.

Who will be involved in my care?

Who will be involved in my care?

Who will be involved in my care?

During your time at The Burrows, you will come into contact with many different members of staff. There could be up to nine different clinical and non-clinical teams involved in your care at one time. These roles include:

  • Consultant Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Healthcare Assitant 
  • Family Therapist
  • Nurse
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Teacher
  • Dietitian
  • Activities Coordinator

When can i have visitors?

Speech bubble

When Can I have visitors?

When you are admitted to The Burrows, a member of staff will work with you to create a list of approved visitors, this may include family and close friends. For any visitors under the age of 18, they will need to bring an adult with them when they visit you. Visits with under 18s will need to take place in one of our family rooms, which will need to be booked in advance. All visitors will need to ring the ward to confirm they wish to come visit you. Friends that are 18 will be required to bring ID with them, otherwise, these visits will be supervised and a parent will be contacted to consent to the visit. We know sometimes that some young people do not live locally so the burrows team is always flexible around visiting times.

Visiting Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 4pm - 8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9am - 8pm
  • School Holidays (including bank holidays): 9am - 8pm 


What will my daily routine look like?

White outline of a clock

What will my daily routine look like?

Meal times

  • Breakfast: 8:15am - 8:45am (slightly later on weekends)
  • Snack: 10:30am - 11:00am 
  • Lunch: 12:30pm - 1:00pm
  • Snack: 3:00pm - 3:30pm
  • Dinner: 5:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Supper: 9:00pm - 9:30pm

Main meals are updated daily to ensure a healthy balanced diet. We offer alternative main meals for vegetarians and please let a member of staff know if you have any specific cultural/dietary requirements or allergies. 

Daily Routine

Monday to Friday (in term time)

  • 9:30am - The educational and therapeutic timetable starts. Room access during the hours of 9:30am and 4pm will be individually assessed and care planned. It is important to attend all lessons and other wellbeing sessions on your timetable as participation will help your treatment and recovery
  • 10:00pm - TVs in the main area are turned off 
  • 10:30pm - Bedtime
  • 11:00pm - Lights out in bedrooms - unless you have a specific care plan in place

Weekends and School Holidays (including bank holidays)

  • These are for lie-ins. The team will still encourage you to be up by lunchtime at the latest 
  • Attending meal times is still required to ensure you are getting an adequate dietary intake
  • 11:00pm - Bedtime (guided time that may be adjusted according to individual care plans)
  • 11:30pm - Lights out in bedrooms (guided time that may be adjusted according to individual care plans)


Will I still be doing school work?

Will I still be doing school work?

Will I still be doing school work?

You will be expected to participate in a group programme. This group programme will consist of both educational lessons as well as regular individual meetings with people involved in your care.

How does the group programme work? 

  • Our educational team will liaise with your school/college to build the educational lessons to support your studies. 
  • Every day the nurses' office will give a breakdown of the group programme for that day
  • There will be weekly patient experience sessions in which you will have the opportunity to bring concerns and issues you may have as well as any suggestions you have to improve the ward
  • Regular cooking sessions which we will encourage you to participate in and allow you to make your lunch or dinner with other young people and staff

If you have any queries about the group programme please speak to a member of staff on the ward. 

Group programme timetable

You will meet with your key team once a week to complete your weekly timetable that is displayed on your bedroom door

  • 9:30am - 10:30am Education lesson one 
  • 10:30am to 11am Break
  • 11am to 12pm Education lesson two 
  • After Lunch - a variety of sessions that include:
    • Therapeutic groups to support different ways of coping
    • Community exposure groups 
    • Arts and crafts
    • Psychological discussion groups
    • Current affairs
    • Patient experience group
    • Cooking/baking 
    • Animal therapy
    • Yoga

What can I bring with me?

What can I bring with me?

What can I bring with me?

It can be difficult to decide what belongings you will need whilst you are in hospital. We have provided a list of items that are NOT allowed on the ward and some suggestions of items you might like to have with you. Any items you bring onto the ward are subject to being checked by members of staff for health & safety reasons. If there are any issues with your personal items, staff will discuss these with you and your family/carer. You are responsible for looking after any items you bring with you. It is your responsibility to keep your bedroom and general ward areas tidy. Please clean up after yourself. You are not permitted to enter other people’s bedrooms at any time, for any reason.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding personal property, please speak to a member of staff.

Can I bring my smartphone?

Personal mobile phones with a camera, recording facilities and internet access are now allowed on the ward. However, camera lenses must be covered with a sticker; this is to maintain the confidentiality of other young people. You are allowed a smartphone when you have read, understood and signed the Mobile Phone Policy. If you record video, conversation or take photographs on the ward, either in communal areas or your bedroom, you will be in breach of the mobile phone policy and access to your phone will be reduced, or for repeat contravention, your phone will be sent home. You would then only be allowed to bring in a basic mobile phone handset. You are not to share your mobile phone with other young people on the ward or use theirs.

 Times you may use your mobile phone:

  • Monday - Friday – Once sessions have finished. Must be handed in at 10.30pm every night
  • Saturday/Sunday & school holidays are flexible but phones are to be handed in by midnight.


We reserve the right to check your property and undertake random checks of your bedroom if we have cause for concern about your safety or the safety of others and the environment. You will be informed of this and be given the opportunity to be present, whilst these checks are completed.

Suggestions for items to bring with you: 

  • Comfortable clothing - you will have regular access to washing facilities 
  • Your own duvet/pillows - we provide all bed linen, pillows and towels but you are allowed to bring your own if you would prefer to
  • Toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner and body wash
  • CDs/DVDs - 10 maximum DVDs and they must be rated 12 or under
  • Magazines / Books 
  • Music player
  • Money - We advise that you do not bring in large amounts of money, a maximum of £20 should suffice, which you are responsible for. Patients often order a takeaway once a week (Takeaway Tuesday). You do not have to participate, however, if you would like to join in, this is not funded by the ward.
  • Game consoles
  • Posters / Photographs

Items that we can look after for you

When you arrive on the ward you will be able to place some of your belongings in an individual property box that is kept in a secure cupboard. Items stored here may be:

  • Electric Razors
  • Hairdryers
  • Hair Straighteners
  • Glue
  • Keys
  • Money
  • Chargers
  • Blu-tack
  • Tweezers
  • Eyelash curlers
  • Mirrors
  • Nail polish/nail polish remover
  • Body spray/perfume
  • Hair removal cream

Access to items may require individual risk assessment.

Items brought into the ward that are not allowed will be returned to parents/carers to take home

Items that are not allowed on the ward

In the interest of Health & Safety and Risk Management the following items are not allowed on to the ward:

  • Wireless headphones and earbuds
  • Cigarettes, lighters, matches
  • Vapes
  • Over 18 materials including magazines/DVDs
  • Inappropriate reading material
  • Pirate DVDs/CDs
  • Watch lighters
  • Alcohol (or alcohol-based products)
  • Metal cans/tins
  • Oil burners, candles, incense sticks
  • Knives/Blades/razors/pencil sharper/needles/sharps
  • Energy drinks
  • Drugs/ Illegal Substances
  • Aerosol cans
  • Plastic bags
  • Hair dye
  • Batteries
  • Glass items
  • Spiral bound notebooks
  • Bath sponge balls
  • Pringle tubes
  • Caffeinated coffee


When can I spend time away from The Burrows?


When can I spend time away from The Burrows?

All time off the ward (leave) will be discussed with you, your parents/carers and the team. A joint decision will be made as to how often/how long you spend off the ward and this will become part of your care plan. Time off the ward will include:

  • community activities, with/without staff
  • appointments
  • home leave
  • attend school

Before all leave from the burrows

You will sit with your key team and complete a safety plan which helps us and your parent/carers/family know if you struggle on leave, what this looks like and how best to keep you safe. Once completed a copy will be given to your parent/carer or family. The nursing team will also complete a working with risk 3, this ensures that you and your escort are aware of all current risks and what steps/support have taken place that the NIC/team feel that the leave is safe to go ahead. Your safety is our main priority

Home Leave

Our expectation is that you will work towards going home from Fri – Sun (except on the 1st weekend after admission).

When you return to the ward from any leave, you will be asked to hand in any items with you that are not permitted on the ward. All patients will be subject to a search after all periods of leave, including short visits off the ward. These will be conducted by 2 same-sex staff unless you consent otherwise. The Burrows conduct basic searches (Search 1) as a rule, however, if a young person has brought contraband onto the ward which puts themselves, other patients or staff at risk, they will be placed on a higher level search (Search 2). There is a separate document covering this.

Items not allowed on the ward will either be placed in your property box or sent home with your parents/carers. Young people are expected back to the ward by 8:00pm by an adult who will give feedback to the staff on return to the ward.

There is controlled access to the ward door at all times, this is to ensure the safety of patients, staff & visitors and to minimise risk. As an informal patient, you have the right to ask to leave at any time. However clinical staff have a duty of care to ensure your safety and wellbeing and will need to risk assess any leave requests.

How will my religious, faith or cultural beliefs be supported?

How will my religious, faith or cultural beliefs be supported?

How will my religious, faith or cultural beliefs be supported?

We understand that everybody is different and that we all have different needs. We will ask you if you have any special cultural needs.

The Burrows has a very good working relationship with the spiritual wellbeing team and they also offer fortnightly drop-ins

There is a multi-faith room and Chaplaincy service available within the Berrywood Hospital site. You can ask for someone from your own faith community to visit you in the hospital, staff may help with this request. We can make space for you to practice your faith privately, please speak to a member of staff if you would like this. Additionally, a member of NHFT's Chaplaincy service can visit you on request if you wish. Please see a member of staff if you require this service.

We will support you to make sure that we understand each other. We will use interpreters, signing and equipment if required.

If English is not your first language, or you have difficulty understanding it, we can provide skilled interpreters to help you.

General information


General Information

Clinical reviews

A clinical review meeting is held every Monday and includes everyone involved in your care, including you’re parent/carer/Family. The main purpose is to ensure everyone is updated on your care. – another heading PBS plans- PBS stands for a positive behavioural support plan. We encourage all young people to work with their key team to identify what support looks like for you when you need it the most

What is a Care Programme Approach (CPA)

You, your parent/carer and healthcare professionals have a Care Programme Approach (CPA) meeting to discuss your treatment and what support you may need. It is also a chance for you to discuss any questions you may have about your care. For more information, there is a leaflet about CPA on the ward.

What is a Care Plan?

Care plans are a written plan of action that looks at your individual needs, difficulties you may be experiencing and how best to support you with these. You will be actively involved in developing your care plans and will have a signed copy which we expect you to co-sign with your key worker.

How do I get a second opinion?

If you are uncertain about your diagnosis or the treatment you are receiving, you may wish to receive a second opinion. There is a leaflet available on the ward for more information.

How do I make a complaint?

The ward is always committed to working together and would always encourage you to speak to your key team or ward matron about any issues that are bothering you

If you are unhappy about the way you have been treated, you may wish to make an informal or formal complaint. There is a leaflet available on the ward for more information, or you can speak to PALS or the advocacy service regarding complaints.

Contact: 0800 917 7206

Can I see information that is written about me?

During your stay in the hospital, people involved in your care will maintain a health record. This is a written account of your physical and mental health as well as any additional conditions. If you are over the age of 16, you can access your health record by filling in an application form. This application form can be obtained from the address below or by ringing 03000 111133.

Information Governance Team, IM&T Department, Bevan House, Kettering Parkway South, Kettering, NN15 6XR.

Please discuss this further with your key worker if you require any support or assistance.

Is information about me shared with anyone?

All information about you, your family and your care is treated in the strictest confidence by staff. Sometimes, information may need to be shared with agencies outside of The Burrows in order to help support your care. A member of staff will discuss this with you if information needs to be shared.


Advocacy at the Burrows is provided by Voice Ability, a charity that is completely independent of our service. Advocates work only with Patients to make sure that their voices are heard, and that they know their rights and are getting the services they need. They also provide Independent Mental Health Advocates for patients detained under the Mental Health Act or Independent Mental Capacity Advocate for patients who lack capacity.

Find out more at VoiceAbility | Advocacy and involvement

Make a referral at VoiceAbility | Make a referral

Contact VoiceAbility 

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

PALS provide a helpful and friendly service and can provide you with information on services, places and people in Northamptonshire NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust (NHFT). PALS can also liaise with you and the people involved in your care to resolve problems. PALS want to know what you think about the service you are receiving. Any comment you make is valuable in helping us to improve services for you.

Ask a member of staff for a Comment Card and let your voice be heard.

You can contact the PALS Manager through the following details:

The PALS Manager, Sudborough House, St. Mary’s Hospital, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 7PW

How will you keep me safe?

How will you keep me safe?

How will you keep me safe? 

Staff, patients and their relatives/carers must respect each other’s privacy and dignity.

The safety of our young people and staff is very important to the Burrows. The staff of the Burrows will always endeavour to ensure everyone is kept safe and de-escalate incidents of aggression. If a young person is at high risk of being unable to keep themselves safe, then staff may need to use physical interventions to manage the risk and ensure safety, however this will only be for the shortest time possible. Staff receive appropriate training on how to do this as safely as possible. (we have leaflets available on the ward). Afterwards staff will offer support to those directly or indirectly involved and will always ensure a debrief is completed. As part of our normal routine on the burrows, we have x3 members of staff wearing body-worn cameras. Staff wear body warning cameras to ensure we improve the safety of all young people and staff. (leaflets available on the ward)

If a response team is called from Berrywood Hospital to assist ward staff with a difficult situation, staff will be wearing body-mounted cameras for everyone’s safety.

Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.

Discrimination against others due to their gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic background, disability, religious beliefs or other reasons will not be tolerated.

Staff will show respect for the opinions of patients and their visitors. In return, we expect patients and their visitors to show respect towards staff.

Reducing the risk of infection 

There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the risk of infection during your stay:

  • Wash your hands before preparing or eating meals and after using the toilet.
  • Ask any member of staff if they have cleaned their hands before they have any direct contact/care with you or if you are not sure or worried.
  • Expect staff to wear gloves and aprons when carrying out some tasks, such as dressing a wound, cleaning up spills of body fluids or handling dirty linen.
  • Keep your toiletries for your personal use only.
  • Try to keep clutter within your bed area or room to a minimum.
  • Bed linen is to be changed as often as necessary and if you move rooms.
  • Cover any exposed cuts or grazes with a waterproof dressing
  • Ask staff to change any dressings if they become dirty or bloodstained.
  • Inform a member of staff immediately if you have episodes of diarrhoea or vomiting.

Welcome to the Sett

Information about the Sett


Information about the Sett

The Sett is an admission unit for young people between the ages of 13 and 18 years.

 A Short term assessment is offered for a range of mental health difficulties. The aim of the assessments consists of working with you to develop effective coping skills, commencing medication if required and addressing any other identified needs to aid your recovery journey.

We do not provide long term care & treatment and if you have specific clinical needs due to risk presentation or require longer term treatment then we will refer to a specialist provision where your needs can be more appropriately met.

The Sett was named so in recognition of its local badger population. As well as Northamptonshire, The Sett serves the whole of the East Midlands region that includes Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, and Nottinghamshire.

Informal Patients

If you are an informal patient, this is because you have agreed to be admitted or if you are less than 16 years, your parent or guardian has agreed to the admission.

Formal Patients

If you have been admitted as a formal patient, then you have been detained on a section of the Mental Health Act (1983). A member of staff will explain your rights and a leaflet will be made available to you for your reference. Other leaflets are available for your information regarding:-

  • An Independent mental health advocate
  • Second opinion regarding your care and the process for appealing against your Section

If the clinical team have concerns about your health & safety, risk presentation and you are refusing necessary clinical interventions following admission, then the legal framework of the Mental Health Act will be considered to determine ongoing assessment, care & treatment.

Following admission, you will be assigned a care team which includes a named nurse, a keyworker and co-workers. Soon after admission you will meet with a member of your care team who will explain the roles of each member of the team. Your care team will speak to you about your care and formulate care plans/set goals to work towards your recovery during your admission, working with you and your family.

The trust has a No Smoking policy in and around the hospital. If you smoke, you may be offered alternatives for Nicotine Replacement Therapy. If you have any questions about this, please speak to a member of staff.

Facilities on the ward

  • 10 single sex bedrooms with an en-suite bathroom. Bedrooms are situated in designated female and male corridors which are separated by doors
  • Family room 
  • Activity room
  • Education room
  • Single gender lounge
  • Laundry facilities
  • A patient kitchen with access to hot and cold drinks, a kettle, fridge, microwave & storage for your personal snacks
  • A separate kitchenette area for baking /cooking with staff support
  • 3 garden areas comprising of an internal courtyard, sensory garden and large garden with a grassed lawn all with available seating
  • Designated room with gym equipment
  • Televisions
  • DVDs and DVD players
  • Portable DVD & CD Players
  • Xbox, Nintendo Wii, pool table, table tennis, gym equipment, garden games, board games, PlayStation portable, art and craft activities


What to expect during my admission?

White outline of a planet

What to expect during my admission?

As part of your care and treatment, we aim to provide a therapeutic environment that helps you to work towards your recovery. You will be required to sign and commit to following our acceptable behavioural contract which consists of the following conditions that need to be met during your stay on the ward:

  • To attend all sessions offered on the ward including education, therapy groups, 1:1 sessions with multi-disciplinary team members, and Our Space.
  • Attend mealtimes to ensure a satisfactory dietary intake and if applicable adhere to any prescribed meal plans as advised by the Dietitian.
  • As in the community, education is a mandatory requirement. Bedroom access, TVs, Stereos, computer games are not encouraged during the education and therapy timetable.
  • Not to bring prohibited items onto the unit 
  • To cooperate with us when searching your person or bed space (this may be necessary if we have reason to believe that you have contraband items in your possession that may pose a risk to yourself or others)
  • We do not tolerate bullying of any form. Abuse of a personal, sexual, racial, or other hurtful nature by any means (verbal, written, phone, text, social media etc.) is unacceptable.
  • We acknowledge that some young people’s difficulties may involve anger/aggression at times, however if this directed at the environment, staff, visitors or other young people, the Police may be called for assistance if necessary or a response team.
  • We acknowledge that young people may develop close friendships during their admission however, we do not expect to observe intimate or inappropriate behaviours on the unit such as close physical contact.
  • The Sett has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all young people on the ward. Therefore, young people are required to be searched upon returning to the unit and refusal to do so may result in the young person not being allowed back onto the Sett.
  • Young people are not to return to the unit in an intoxicated state. If you do, you may not be allowed to stay.
  • No intoxicating substances (drugs, alcohol, legal highs etc.) can be consumed or brought onto the unit. If you do this will affect whether you can stay on the unit.

Any individual that does not adhere to expectations & boundaries will have a review undertaken regarding their continued stay at The Sett and discharge may be considered.

Who will be involved in my care?

Who will be involved in my care?

Who will be involved in my care?

During your time at the Sett, you will come into contact with many diferent members of staff. There could be up to nine different clicnical and non-clical teams involved in you care at one time. These roles include:

  • Consultant Psychiatrist
  • Speciality Doctor
  • Psychologist
  • Healthcare Assitant 
  • Family Therapist
  • Nurse
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Teacher
  • Dietitian
  • Activities Co-Ordinator

When can i have visitors?

Speech bubble

When can I have visitors?

When you are admitted to the Sett, a member of staff will work with you to create a list of approved visitors, this may include family and close friends. For any visitors under the age of 18, they will need to bring an adult with them when they visit you. Visits with under 12s will need to take place in our family room, which will need to be booked in advance. All visitors will need to ring the ward to confirm they wish to come visit you. There can be flexibility around visiting times for families that do not live locally and have to travel some distance.

Visiting Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 6pm - 8pm
  • Saturday and Sunday (including bank holidays): 9am - 8pm


What will my daily routine look like?

White outline of a clock

What will my daily routine look like?

Meal times

  • Breakfast: 8:00am - 9:00am (slightly later on weekends)
  • Snack: 10:30am - 10:45am 
  • Lunch: 12:30pm - 1:00pm
  • Snack: 3:00pm - 3:15pm
  • Dinner: 5:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Supper: 9:00pm - 9:30pm

Main meals are updated daily to ensure a healthy balanced diet. We offer alternative main meals for vegetarians and please let a member of staff know if you have any specific cultural/dietary requirements or allergies. 

Mealtimes are protected, so visits from friends and family and the use of mobile phones are discouraged during mealtimes.

Daily Routine

Monday to Friday (in term time)

  • 7.15am: First wakeup call
  • 7.30am: Second wakeup call
  • 9:00am: The educational and theraputic time table starts. Bedrooms will be shut to discorage room access during hours of education. It is important to attened all lessons and other wellbeing sessions on your timetable as participation will help your treatment and recovery. 
  • 9:00am to 9:30am: Our Space - This half an hour was created by young people at The Sett to come together as a group with different activities each morning.
  • 10:00pm: TVs in the main area are turned off 
  • 10:30pm: Bedtime
  • 11:00pm: Lights out in bedrooms - unless you have a specific care plan in place

Weekends and School Holidays (including bank holidays)

  • The option for lie ins are available, you must be up by xyz at the latest. 
  • Attending meal times is still required to ensure you are getting an adequate dietary intake
  • 11:00pm - bedtime (guided time that may be adjusted according to indvdual care plans)
  • 11:30pm lights out in bedrooms (guided time that may be adjusted according to indvdual care plans)


Will I still be doing school work?

Will I still be doing school work?

Will I still be doing school work?

You will be expected to participate in a group programme. This group programme will consite of both educational lessons as well as regular individual meetings with people involved in your care.

How does the group programme work? 

  • Our educational team will lease with your schooll / college to build the educational lessons to support with your stiudies. 
  • Every day the nurses office will give a bread down of the group programme for that day and individual timetables will be formulated where required.
  • On Monday there is a patient experience group meeting where you will have the oppitunity to bring concerns and issues you may have as well as any suggestions you have to improve the ward
  • Regular cooking session which will encourage you to participate in and gives you the oppitunity to make your own lunch or diner with other young people and staff

If you have any queries about the group programme please speak to a member of staff on the ward. 

Group programme timetable

  • 9:00am - 9:30am - Our Space 
  • 9:30am - 10:30am Education lesson one 
  • 10:30am to 11am Break
  • 11am to 12pm Education lesson two 
  • After Lunch - variety of sessions that include:
    • Theraputic groups to support different ways of coping
    • Community exposure 1 to 1 or in groups
    • Psychology groups
    • Arts and crafts
    • 1 to 1 key worker sessions
    • Community visits
    • Sensory sessions
    • Psychological disscussion groups
    • Current affairs
    • Patient experience group
    • Menu planning
    • Cooking / baking 
    • Visiting PAT (Pets As Therapy) dog

What can I bring with me?

What can I bring with me?

 What can I bring with me?

It can be difficult to decide what belongings you will need whilst you are in hospital. We have provided a list of items that are not allowed on the unit and some suggestions of items you might like to have with you. Any items you bring onto the ward are subject to being checked by members of staff for health & safety reasons. If there are any issues with your personal items, staff will discuss these with yourself and your family/carer. You are responsible for looking after any items you bring with you. It is your responsibility to keep your bedroom and general ward areas tidy. Please clean up after yourself. You are not permitted to enter other people’s bedrooms at any time, for any reason.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding personal property, please speak to a member of staff.

We reserve the right to check your property and undertake random checks of your bedroom if we have cause for concern about your safety or the safety of others and the environment. You will be informed of this and be given the opportunity to be present, whilst these checks are completed.

Can i bring my smart phone?

We discourage the use of mobile phones during scheduled timetable sessions/education lessons/activities and mealtimes. Your child can have access to their issued mobile phone outside of these hours until bedtime. At weekends your child can have their phone after rising until bedtime.

To ensure the privacy, dignity, and confidentiality of others on the ward [patients, staff & visitors] taking photographs will not be permitted. If staff have reason to believe that photographs of other in the unit have been taken, then the use of mobile phones will be reviewed on an individual basis and risk assessed.

 Times you may use your mobile phone:

  • Monday -Friday – Once sessions have finished. Must be handed in at 10.30pm every night
  • Saturday/Sunday & school holidays are flexible but phones are to be handed in by bedtime.

Can i bring snack in?

You are allowed to bring in snacks, unless you have specific individual clinical needs regarding dietary intake that mean you must follow a prescribed meal plan as advised by the Dietitian. Snacks can be stored in an allocated snack box in the patient kitchen

Suggestions for what you can bring with you: 

  • Comfortable clothing - you will have regular access to washing facilities 
  • Your own duvet / pillows - we do provied all bed linen, pillows and towel but ypu are allowed to bring your own if you would preffer to
  • Toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner and body wash
  • CDs - 10 maximum 
  • Magazines / Books 
  • Music player
  • Money - We advise that you do not bring in large amounts of money, a maximum of £10 should suffice and which you are responsible for. 
  • Game consoles
  • Posters / Photographs

Items that we can look after for you

When you arrive on the ward you will be able to place some of your belongings in an individual property box that is kept in a secure cupboard. These items are to be used under suppervision of staff which is ependent on indivdual / ward risk. Items stored here may be:

  • Electric Razors
  • Hairdryers
  • Hair Straighteners
  • Glue
  • Keys
  • Chargers
  • Blu-tack
  • Tweezers
  • Eye lash curlers
  • Mirrors
  • Nail polish / nail polish remover
  • Body spray/perfume
  • Hair removal cream
  • Wool and thread
  • Spiral Bound Notebooks (agreed by the education team for special educational needs)
  • Craft tape/ribbon/sellotape

Access to items may require individual risk assessment.

Items brought into the ward that are not allowed will be returned to parents/carers to take home

Items that are not allowed on the ward

In the interest of Health & Safety and Risk Management the following items are not allowed on to the unit:

  • Cigarettes, lighters, matches
  • Over 18 material including magazines/DVDs
  • Inappropriate reading material
  • Pirate DVDs/CDs
  • Watch Lighters
  • Alcohol (or alcohol based products)
  • Laptops (unless agreed by the education team for special educational needs)
  • Metal cans
  • Oil burners, candles, incense sticks
  • Knives/Blades/razors/pencil sharper’s/needles
  • Energy drinks
  • Drugs/ Illegal Substances
  • Aerosol cans
  • Plastic bags
  • Dye
  • Batteries
  • Glass items
  • Hairgrips
  • Chewing gum
  • Smart Watches e.g., Apple watch
  • Fitbit’s/Fitness watches


When can I spend time away from The Sett?


When can I spend time away from The Sett?

All time off the unit (leave) will be discussed with you, your parents/carers and the team. A joint decision will be made as to how often/how long you spend off the unit and will become part of your care plan. Time off the unit will include:

  • community activities, with/without staff
  • appointments
  • home leave
  • attend your 'home school' for re-intergration

Home Leave

Our expectation is that you will work towards going home from Fri – Sun (except on the 1st weekend after admission). This will start gradually with a short period of leave, to day leave and then overnight leave.

Where identified as a specific clinical need, leave may be dependent on a satisfactory physical health state & compliance with the full meal plan.

When you return to the ward from any leave, you will be asked to hand in any items with you that are not permitted on the unit. Following this, a search of your belongings will be carried out. Your search level will be dependent on individual risk and this will be explained to you further once you are on the ward.

Restricted items will be placed in your property box and any items not allowed on the ward will be sent home with your parents/carers. Young people are expected back to the unit by 8:00pm by an adult that will give feedback to the staff on return to the unit.

There is controlled access to the ward door at all times, this is to ensure the safety of patients, staff & visitors and minimise risk. As an informal patient you have the right to ask to leave at any time. However clinical staff  have a duty of care to ensure your safety and well-being and will need to risk assess any leave requests.

How will my religious, faith or cultural beliefs be supported?

How will my religious, faith or cultural beliefs be supported?

How will my religious, faith or cultural beliefs be supported?

We understand that everybody is different and that we all have different needs. We will ask you if you have any specific cultural or religous needs. We have a selection of spiritual/religious materials available on the unit should you require anything.

You can ask for someone from your own faith community to visit you in hospital, staff may help with this request. We can make space for you to practice your faith privately, please speak to a member of staff if you would like this. Additionaly a member of NHFT's Chaplaincy service can visit you on request if you wish. Please see a member of staff if you require this service.

We will support you to make sure that we understand each other. We will use interpreters, signing and equipment, if required.

If English is not your first language, or you have difficulty in understanding it, we can provide skilled interpreters to help you.

Just ask a member of staff for more details and they will be able to provide you with more information and support you with your request.

How will you keep me safe?

How will you keep me safe?

How will you keep me safe? 

It’s important that staff, patients and their relatives/carers respect each other’s privacy and dignity.

The safety of our patients is very important and staff will endeavour to ensure everyone is kept safe and de-escalate incidents of aggression. If a young person is not able to calm down, then staff may need to use physical interventions to manage the risk and ensure safety, however this will only be for the shortest time possible. Staff receive appropriate training on how to do this as safely as possible. Afterwards staff will offer support to those directly or indirectly involved.

To ensure the privacy, dignity, and confidentiality of others on the ward (patients, staff & visitors) taking photographs will not be allowed. If staff have reason to believe that photographs have been taken, then the use of mobile phones will be reviewed on an individual basis and risk assessed.

If a response team is called from Berrywood Hospital to assist ward staff with a difficult situation, staff will be wearing body mounted cameras for everyone’s safety.

Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.

Discrimination against others due to their gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic background, disability, religious beliefs or other reasons will not be tolerated.

Staff will show respect for the opinions of patients and their visitors. In return, we expect that patients and their visitors will show respect for staff.

Reducing the risk of infection 

There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the risk of infection during your stay:

  • Wash your hands before preparing or eating meals and after using the toilet.
  • Ask any member of staff if they have cleaned their hands before they have any direct contact/care with you or if you are not sure or worried.
  • Expect staff to wear gloves and aprons when carrying out some tasks, such as, dressing a wound, cleaning up spills of body fluids or handling dirty linen.
  • Keep your toiletries for your personal use only.
  • Try to keep clutter within your bed area or room to a minimum.
  • Bed linen to be changed as often as necessary and if you move rooms.
  • Cover any exposed cuts or grazes with a waterproof dressing
  • Ask staff to change any dressings if they become dirty or bloodstained.
  • Inform a member of staff immediately if you have episodes of diarrhoea or vomiting.

General information


General Information

What is a Care Programme Approach (CPA)

You, your parent/carer and healthcare professionals have a Care Programme Approach (CPA) meeting to discuss your treatment and what support you may need. It is also a chance for you to discuss any questions you may have about your care. For more information, there is a leaflet about CPA on the ward.

What is a Care Plan?

Care plans are a written plan of action that looks at your individual needs, difficulties you may be experiencing and how best to support you with these. You will be actively involved in developing your care plans and will have a signed copy which we expect you to co-sign with your key worker.

How do I get a second opinion?

If you are uncertain about your diagnosis or the treatment you are receiving you may wish to receive a second opinion.  There is a leaflet available on the ward for more information.

How do I make a complaint?

If you are unhappy about the way you have been treated you may wish to make an informal or formal complaint. There is a leaflet available on the ward for more information or you can speak to PALS or the advocacy service regarding complaints.

Contact: 0800 917 7206

Is information about me shared with anyone?

All information about you, your family and your care is treated in the strictest confidence by staff. Sometimes, information may need to be shared with agencies outside of The Sett in order to help support your care. A member of staff will discuss this with you if information needs to be shared.


Advocacy at the Sett is provided by VoiceAbility, a charity that is completely independent of our service. Advocates work only with Patients to make sure that their voices are heard, that they know their rights and are getting the services they need. They also provide Independent Mental Health Advocates for patients detained under the Mental Health Act or Independent Mental Capacity Advocate for patients who lack capacity.

A ’drop in ‘service is provided every Wednesday afternoon at 4pm. Alternatively contact can be facilitated via telephone or Microsoft Teams.

Find out more at: VoiceAbility | Advocacy and involvement

Make a referal at:VoiceAbility | Make a referral

Coutact VoiceAbility 

Can i access my health record? 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) allows you to find out what information about you is held on computer and in certain manual records. This is known as ‘right of subject access’.

NHS website has general information on:

  • How you can access your own medical records
  • Learn if you can access other people’s medical records
  • Learn if others can access your medical records.

Find out more information on how to request your medical records here: Freedom of information and medical records | NHFT

Translation & Interpreter Service

If you need an interpreter or translation service please ask a member of staff for more details and they will be able to provide you with more information and support you with your request.

NHFT has access to various Interpreter & translation services which are able to to provide the following :

  • Face to face Interpreters
  • Telephone Interpreters
  • Video Interprters
  • British Sign Language
  • Written translation

Paitent Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

PALS provide a helpful and friendly service and can provide you with information on services, places and people in Northamptonshire NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust (NHFT). PALS can also liaise with you and the people involved in your care to resolve problems. PALS wants to know what you think about the service you are receiving. Any comment you make is valuable in helping the us to improve services for you.

Find out more about PALS here: Patient advice and liaison service for Northamptonshire Healthcare | NHFT

You can contact the PALS Manager through the following details:

  • Free-phone: 0800 917 8504
  • E-mail:
  • Address:
    • The PALS Manager,
    • Sudborough House,
    • St. Mary’s Hospital,
    • Kettering,
    • Northamptonshire,
    • NN15 7PW